Friday, November 2, 2012


Hello everyone ^^

You may be wondering, why on Earth would I start a new blog, when I have different sites where I can write my occasional notes... and you are right. There's something utterly wrong about me systematically writing notes about life... or food... or... things that people usually write about... I'm just too disorganized and lazy... and oh well...

What I needed was a place that can connect all my other accounts and sites...
A place where I can write about my updates on my comics... or where I can show off with a new pair of handmade earrings xD

I'm not going to write anything special or detailed about me. I don't like the idea of giving access to all of information about me. That's why I don't have a facebook account nor nasza-klasa, nor even twitter (but I have a G+). So here you have some basic info:

Name: Maria

Nickname: puciate, puchiqa, pućka

Age: 25+... (I have problems with accepting my age XD'''' )
I'm still a student, I'm studying my fourth faculty (weird? maybe :P), it's my last year of studies... I'm looking for a job but not very eagerly... I still have a year!

My interests: drawing (so you can find me on my DA account), drawing comics
(which you can find here); I'm also making jewellery and other DIY things, so they'll be displayed here from time to time...
I'm also intrested in: video games, cuisine, books, manga (less anime nowadays), asian horror movies and many more... random things~

One last thing should be an explanation to the title of this blog.
So I was talking to jenny-kun and I was describing her my typical terrible day, you know, the day when fate just decides to smack you in a head with everything possible... and I said "It was like a Curse of Evil... yeah... "
So yeah... something so cheesy, like a title of a B-rated movie... That's my typical day... and that's a title of a blog which sums up my whole activity on the internet :P

PS. A little add of my DA :P Demons in my Head series


  1. Um, taa, dzień jak codzień, trochę studiów trochę najeźdźców z kosmosu XDDDD.

    1. ...tjaaa... parę razy trzeba było uratować świat od zagłady, przyjąć delegację od cesarzowej z innego wymiaru, pograć w ping ponga z dalekami a na końcu przeżyć ćwiczenia z analizy finansowej xDD... dzień jak codzień~

  2. Replies
    1. Yay~ nie wiem czy mnie udało się też to samo... ale chyba tak (fakje jeszcze się nie znam :P)
