Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Autumn candle lantern

Hello everyone :)

Autumn is that specific period of time when, apart from having depresive thoughts about cold and rain, you have this need for handicrafts. Normal people would start knitting or sewing or... OK maybe they'd do nothing :P. Aaanyway, I had to come up with something weirder. So I've made a candle lantern out of one aluminium can, couple dozens of can tabs and copper wire :>

I'm not going to say it's by any chance original. I dare say artisan made of can tabs is kind of fashionable now. If you check internet you'll find lot's of pictures of bags, jewellery, or even corsetschairs etc.

My lantern is rather simple, and crappily made... and lacks symmetry... but it's mine so I'm proud of it anyway :D

And how gorgeous it looks when a candle is lit! :3

If you wish to see more pictures, I've made an gallery folder on my G+

Probably, I'll make some more lanterns and earrings out of can tabs :) That's because when you start collecting them, each day you can get a new one... or a couple of... or a frikin dozen (especially after some partying with friends XD). And eventually you just have to do something with them...  maybe something more creative than throwing them away...

I just have to write it down XD Yesterday, during financial analysis classess we were working in groups. The unlucky me was sitting at the corner of a row and my lecturer could look into my notes. And then...
He: "Um... you have some interesting things drawn here.. what is it... a head? Are my lectures that boring?"
Me: "Ah! It's nothing..." (I've drawn a nekad chick there) _^_


  1. Sugoi to wygląda *_* Ale ja bym nie miała gdzie takich rzeczy potem składować X;D

    1. No, myslmy potrzebowały czegoś na stół XDDD i padło na świeczkę :P
