Although I wished as hard as I could, this moment had to come to my life. I am in search for a job. I'm too old to pretend I can still be a student. I cannot fool myself and have to take this one giant step forward in my life towards stabilisation... only that I can't... because looking for a job is a bitch...
Here are some of my thoughts on how easy is to find a job in Poland:
There was a news article recently in one of news stations about unemplyment among fresh university graduates. A journalist asked some emplyers why aren't they giving any jobs to young people. They answered quite frankly, that young people have no working experience (obvious, up till now they've been studying, right?). Young people lack discipline (like... what? what do they mean? Do fresh graduates dare to have their own opinions? Do they dare to refuse working overtime without getting any pay for that?! Preposterous!) And finally, young people want to receive a couple of thousands of PLN payment (3000PLN is less than 1000 EUR, it's even less than 1000 USD! and usually graduates ask for 2000PLN).
I take this whole explanation as bullshit. It is an example of how deep this economic crisis is right now. It shows how full of themselves employers are, and how small can unemplyed expect.
I'm soon to graduate my fourth faculty (seriously! two bachelor's degrees, two master's). I have some working experience (maybe not full time, but those are quite decent examples of traineeships, practices and so on). My CV looks quite nice with a fine proper lenght, and gives this cool notion that I didn't waste my time entirely in my life (I'll never admit that I'm fooling myself with this line here :P). If someone asks me if it helps finding a good job I would answer: definitely not!
Why you ask? Because emplyers are not looking for "people", they're looking for "sheep"... really, brainless slaves that would willingly work 24 hours a day with 100% concentration on boring activities. At least that's what I assume from all those questions I've been asked during interviews.
Ah, yes! Interviews. Why does it always look different than how you imagine it?
That's a rethorical question actually.
Here is my short summary of how I see them.
Here are some of my thoughts on how easy is to find a job in Poland:
There was a news article recently in one of news stations about unemplyment among fresh university graduates. A journalist asked some emplyers why aren't they giving any jobs to young people. They answered quite frankly, that young people have no working experience (obvious, up till now they've been studying, right?). Young people lack discipline (like... what? what do they mean? Do fresh graduates dare to have their own opinions? Do they dare to refuse working overtime without getting any pay for that?! Preposterous!) And finally, young people want to receive a couple of thousands of PLN payment (3000PLN is less than 1000 EUR, it's even less than 1000 USD! and usually graduates ask for 2000PLN).
I take this whole explanation as bullshit. It is an example of how deep this economic crisis is right now. It shows how full of themselves employers are, and how small can unemplyed expect.
I'm soon to graduate my fourth faculty (seriously! two bachelor's degrees, two master's). I have some working experience (maybe not full time, but those are quite decent examples of traineeships, practices and so on). My CV looks quite nice with a fine proper lenght, and gives this cool notion that I didn't waste my time entirely in my life (I'll never admit that I'm fooling myself with this line here :P). If someone asks me if it helps finding a good job I would answer: definitely not!
Why you ask? Because emplyers are not looking for "people", they're looking for "sheep"... really, brainless slaves that would willingly work 24 hours a day with 100% concentration on boring activities. At least that's what I assume from all those questions I've been asked during interviews.
Ah, yes! Interviews. Why does it always look different than how you imagine it?
That's a rethorical question actually.
Here is my short summary of how I see them.
If you see a bit of bitterness in my thoughts, than you are quite right. And it's all because I'm not making things up. It really happend to me... more than once :<
The only thing you can be sure of during job's interview is there are weird questions involved. To some of them it doesn't even matter what you anwer, because whatever you say would be wrong. To most of them you have to lie because noone sane would agree to the expected statements... Ah well, here are some questions I'm never sure how to answer correctly:
1) What are your salary expectations? (Jakie są twoje oczekiwania finansowe?)
As in above.... if you say less than 2000PLN than you'd have some serious problems to survive till next month! If you wish for more than that "you are expecting too much"... I've decided to never answer to that question from now on. It's me who wants to know their offer >:[
2) What do you know about our company? (Co może nam pani powiedzieć o naszej firmie?)
You can be 100% sure you'll be asked about that... And why asking that? Do they want to know whether I did my homework and know anything about them? Also, you have to talk in superlatives about them. I wonder how'd interviewers react if I said "Ah, yes! I've checked your financial statements, and last year you were below BEP. That's quite unfortunate. Plus, I've read someone filed a lawsuit against you for money laundering..."
3) Why do you want to work in our company? (Dlaczego chce pani pracować w naszej firmie?)
Because I want to find a job? Most obvious answer but you can never say that.... and you have to beat around the bush about self development and self fulfillment...
4) What are negative aspects of your personality? (Jakie są pani złe cechy charakteru?)
Any guidebook will advise you to be honest about this matter. But if they ever learned about your "dark side" they would never give you this job... maybe they would even make a quick call while smiling at you nervously... no seriously... you never say truth here.
5) Name your one greatest achievement. (Jakie jest pani jedno największe osiągnięcie?)
Only one? And what would that be? Reaching lvl 80 in MMO wouldn't probably be a good answer... In my case neither would be managing to draw +200 of comic pages...
6) Could you concentrete on your work 24 hours a day? (Czy potrafi sie pani skoncentrować na pracy 24 godziny na dobę?)
This question is a real bitch! It means "You will be working here all day long but we won't pay you for overtime." And answering "no" is an instant rejection to your application... In my case it turned out that you cannot turn this question into a joke... No one laughed >.>
7) How do you see yourself in a 5 years time? (Jak wobraża sobie pani siebie za 5 lat?)
Another masked question. With this technique interviewers want to know if you're planning a family, because, you know... every emplyer hates young mothers. They are on maternity leave, and they keep talking about their offspring, and they loose their sex appeal...
If anyone asks you that question, I tell you, answer them "I see myself with some fancy beard"... or tell them "I will be a Queen of Evil and I'l have my own young and handsome employees to molest..."
No! Wait... we've already agreed we never say truth... :P
And to end all this blabbering. Some examples of my interviews:
Inteviewer: So, could you describe how you worked as a teacher?
Me: That was a very valuable experience... bla bla bla... but in the end children told me that they feel pity for my future pupils because I'm a very strict teacher, so I'm probably not cut out to be one.
Interviewer: ... oh... (longer silence)
Interviewer: So how do you describe yourself in the future... How do you see your career?
Me: Of course, I would be reaching higher and higher!
(another long pause)
Interviewer: Um... So what can you tell me about teamwork...
Me: Yes, I'm usually playing a role of a coordinator. People ask me for some advises, I coordinate them. (read: lead them)
Interviewer: And when someone else is a leader? What did you do when you had a conflict?
Me: There has never been any conflict.
Interviewer: Um... Imagine, what would you do then?
Me: I would ask for reasons and logical arguments. I believe that everything can be solved through dialogue and negotiations. I don't believe someone wouldn't agree to logical arguments. (read: noone would win with me on arguments)
And so I'm forced to continue my quest of looking for any job...
Zawsze zostaje jeszcze... studiowanie bezrobocia
Swoją drogą ostatnio jak patrzyłam na oferty wychodzi na to, że fajną pracę bez doświadczenia, jadąc na samych skillach znajdziesz w Warszawie, Warszawie i Warszawie, a jakoś nie chce mi się tam przeprowadzać. >_>
Wychodzi na to, że albo własny biznes, albo nic, a do własnego biznesu się mogą przypieprzyc, bo panstwo zaplanowalo sobie nakladanie kar za wszelkie nieprawidlowosci, zeby zalatac dziure budzetowa ;-;
Lajf iz hard.
Hm.... kary zawsze groziły (zwłaszcza w nieprawidłowościach finansowych), ale teraz to podrasowali...
DeleteI chodzi o MŚP bo przecież nie dużych przedsiębiorców z kasą którzy masowo kantują na lewych fakturach >__>
Jak dla mnie to naszym głównym problemem z własnym biznesem jest brak pomysłu XDDD
Bez pomysłu daleko nie zajedziemy...
A ja dalej będę rantować na brak pracy :<
Och tak szukanie pracy XD Z tym pytaniem o złe cechy, słyszałam też taką strategię żeby podawać je w pozytywnym aspekcie tzn np. "pracuję nad projektami powoli co spowalania zespół, ale dzięki temu projekt jest szczegółowo dopracowany" czy coś tam : total bullshit jak na moje gusta. Szczególnie po przeczytaniu "Lean In" i dowiedzeniu się, że kobiety i tak generalnie wartościują swoje skille w dół (nie wiem jak to powiedzieć po polskiemu xd).
ReplyDeletePytanie z koncentrowaniem się 24/h - no błagam. Wogóle po tych pytaniach zaczynam się zastanawiać, czy ci pracodawcy mają świadomość, że mają do czynienia z kompletenie nową generacją, z innymi oczekiwaniami niż ich koledzy po fachu jeszcze z 10 lat wcześniej xd. Ktoś im powinien rozwiesić w biurach Times'a z artykułem o generacji Y, albo puścić tą prezentację z TED "Why 30 is not the new 20". Taka podstawowa wiedza o tym jacy są młodzi ludzie szukający teraz pracy pokrywa z połowę tych pytań.
Btw, kocham tego stripa XD so true.
Ktoś pracodawcom powininen uświadomić że nie jesteśmy Japończykami, którzy poświęcają całe swoje jestestwo dla przedsiębiorstwa... po prostu takie podejście nie przyniesie efektów...
DeleteAle co my możemy gadać, to oni mają pieniądze, nie my ;_____;
Dopiero teraz odebrałam maila z linkiem xd
ReplyDeleteW każdym razie fascynują mnie te interviews - no bo tak, najpierw masz test, który sprawdza konkretne umiejętności, ale liczy się mniej, bo po nim jest jeszcze rozmowa, gdzie nie da się szczerze odpowiadać na pytania, bo pracodawcy nie oczekują szczerości. Gdzie tu logika? xd
Pytanie o 'naszą firmę' jeszcze trochę rozumiem, bo podobno część ludzi przy szukaniu pracy rozsyła CV na zasadzie kopiuj-wklej list motywacyjny z szablonu w internecie... więc pewnie chcą sprawdzić, czy kandydat umie czytać ze zrozumieniem.
Mnie najbardziej rozwaliło pytanie o największe osiągnięcie, może dlatego, że te wszystkie inne jakoś znałam, a tego nie xd jakby mnie tak zaskoczyli nim na rozmowie to nie miałabym pojęcia co odpowiedzieć. Ja uważam np. ukończenie filo za całkiem spore osiągnięcie, ale ktoś, kto tego nie przeżył pewnie nie czuje o co chodzi xd
To o 24h to tylko pusty śmiech wzbudza [taki zrozpaczony pusty śmiech]. Cóż, zostaje chyba tylko liczyć na trochę szczęścia, bo już sama nie wiem, co innego :|
Arasz [podpisuję się na wszelki wypadek bo jakiś problem z logowaniem z lj mam]
Cała rozmowa to takie sondowanie czy człowiek sie nadaje. Problem polega na tym, że pracodawcy szukają niewolniczego bydła, mimo iż z miłym uśmiechem oferują rozwojowe stanowisko w teamie... Everybody lies~
DeleteA jak chcesz wiedzieć właśnie dowiedziałam sie że jestem za stara na odbywanie praktyk w jednej firmie... (program obejmuje studentów do 26 roku życia) nawet na darmowe praktyki mnie nie chcą...
Skończy sie tak że wszyscy znajdą jakiś zawód a ja pójdę mieszkać pod mostem
A z kwestii technicznych, to na blogspocie mozesz pisać z konta google'a ;)