Sunday, March 2, 2014


First you have this idea in your head that you cannot get rid of...

Then you try to make a plan ;)
Now gather the necessary materials.

Let's get to work! Build the basis... the workframe.
Start filling in with the scales ;)
Almost... just a bit more...

And done! :D

Did I mention this is a lantern? :P

Btw. My mum asked if I have some obsession with fish XD
Next time I'll go for a dragon :F

1 comment:

  1. Uwoooh, wygląda ekstra xD

    Ryba to taki klasyczny motyw w sztuce/artach mangowych, że chyba cięzko uznać, że ktoś ma na tym punkcie obsesję jak się w tym "siedzi" ;D
